6 months! Ahhhh! I cannot fathom that my sweet boy is already 6 months old! My mind is not quite ready to process the thought that in another very short 6 months he will be 1! We are trying very hard to savor and hold onto every last minute of this baby stage! Don't get me wrong, I love to watch every single second of his growing up and discovering new things, but he's just so little and when he's too big to fall asleep on my chest, I'm gonna be a little sad.

Weight: 18lbs 10oz - 50th percentile
Height: 26 inches - 25th percentile
1st tooth has officially broken through the gums! On many occasions he has put his fingers in his mouth and bit down and started to cry. Poor baby was so upset!
He is still sort of sleeping okay. When he was sick for a while, we kept him in our room and now trying to get him to sleep in his crib again is hard work. I had a feeling something like that would happen. We are trying to work on the whole crib thing this week. Fingers crossed!
John Henry can now sit up all by his self. He can catch himself if he loses his balance 90% of the time. He loves being able to see everything from that point of view. He hates his tummy and when he is on his back he is trying to sit himself up, so naturally he is very excited when he is sitting in the middle of the floor and he can see EVERYTHING!
John Henry is fascinated with so many things. He loves water, so sitting him in his high chair next to the turtle tank, he just stares at the water pouring from the filter for a while. He is also in love with the dog. He loves to grab her fur and whenever he sees her walking around, he is breaking his neck trying to follow.
He is still hating life on his tummy. We've got him to where he can be on his tummy for about 10 minutes before he completely LOSES IT. He is a sitter. Still slightly supported, but he can catch himself a lot better now if he loses his balance.
We just love him and every little bit of his chubby baby legs to pieces! He is just the happiest little guy who loves his daddy, brother, and mommy too, but Daddy and Jaiden seem to get more conversations out of him, whereas I get baby spit and sneeze and raspberries. All of which I don't mind!
We are super excited for everything going on this week! It snowed for the first time this year, so John Henry's first time seeing snow, and it's Thanksgiving tomorrow! I got Jaiden, John Henry and I matching turkey shirts and I cannot wait to sport them tomorrow! There will be plenty of pictures to come, promise!
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