Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Recap!

Hey there Monday! So glad you came back around.......NOT!!!!
So this weekend for us was quite eventful!!!! 
A few nights ago John brought home a trap(animal friendly) so that we could try to catch the raccoon that has been wreaking havoc on our trash for the past few weeks..Well Friday afternoon, we managed to not capture the raccoon but a squirrel. Which resulted in Berkley going completely ape shit whenever I let her go out back..and when she wasn't outside she was posted at the back door barking at the squirrels every single move! So that was some excitement I had to deal with all day.. Wonderful! 

Our cousin James who is 8 and lives in the Carolinas came up to visit for the week, so me and my Grandma thought it would be fun for the boys to go to the movies. James only visits a few times a year so it's always fun when the boys get to hang out! We took them to the movies to see the new Transformers movie! Which wasn't bad in my book, because who doesn't love them some Marky Mark!!!!! 
 The best thing I remember about the movie..Towards the end there was a scene where Optimus Prime defeats the bad guy...All of a sudden I hear someone yell "YEAHHHHHH" I mean super loud! I look over and see Jaiden yelling with both his hands in fists and fists were in the air..It was my kid who was screaming! He was so excited that Optimus Prime beat the bad guy and his face was absolutely priceless! 

Saturday was as eventful as any other Saturday...When you work at a shopping mall, nothing is less appealing to you when your off than..You guessed it! Going to a shopping mall! But it had to be done because I needed a new bathing suit desperately for when we go to the beach..TOMORROW!!!!!! Can't contain the excitement! Jaiden loves the beach and I'm looking to get away and do something fun before my paid vacation aka maternity leave ends, and I'm forced to going back to being a functioning adult..woo.
I normally love shopping Target for their suit collection, but I'm no where ready for a bikini just yet, so I needed something different! I'm actually really excited I found an awesome Tankini seen here. It is cute and I don't feel like a grandma..(sorry mom.)

I captured this beauty Saturday night. Jaiden absolutely loves being up the baby's butt all the time...He loves being a big brother, and wants to make sure that Baby John knows everything, and he wants to be the one to teach him! 

John spent this Saturday as he spends most...Working in the morning, followed by the rest of the day out on the boat fishing! He was convinced that he needed to sell his boat once the baby was born because he would not have the time.. Well just so we don't hear a grown man cry, I'm a nice wife and take care of both kids for the afternoon.

Sunday morning we woke up to a screaming 5am..And when I mean screaming I don't mean that 'mehhhh' I'm annoyed so I'll just make noise scream..I'm talking full blown blood curdling, help I'm being murdered scream... Talk about a wake up call! Once we got that under control, we went back to sleep until about 9:30...And when we woke guess what we found!!! 
 The raccoon!!!! Caught and all drunk looking off of mini marshmallows..And I mean a whole mason jar filled with em'! John got him in the truck and took him down by the river to be released! Hopefully we don't have to deal with his friends and relatives coming back for revenge by tearing up our trash anymore...That would really SUCKK!!!

Now off to getting our week started..I've packed wayy too many things to into this week, and haven't even started packing for the beach...'Mehhhhhhhh'


New Baby Must Haves!

 So I totally wish that I had known about a lot of these when Jaiden was born..Some of them would have made life a lot easier! After Baby John I put together a list of a few things that I need to keep in hand for baby # 3!

Needless to say that John and I would be lost without these essential baby items! I also completely left out a boppy. If you don't own one, you need to get one..STAT! These are one of the best things invented since sliced bread!!!!

I'm sure there are other things that I completely left out that we use on a daily basis that could have also made the list, however my brain is only functioning at 50% lately, and let's be 100%'s taken 3 days for me to complete this post! 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Holy Cow! What a Task!

Okay so who knew that creating your own blog page could be harder than, well hell I don't know....Giving birth! Goodness! A little about me, I'm a free thinker and say what I think before I actually bare with the abrasiveness please!!! I've lived in Northern Virginia my entire life.. And am now hating it because it's so damn expensive to live here! But that's a different story for a different day. I graduated in 2006 and had my oldest son the following spring..Jaiden Dean is my big boy! And I love him to pieces!
In 2011 I met John Huff.  
This is us when we first started dating over 3 years ago.

This is us on our wedding day, Valentines Day of 2014...

I was 6 months pregnant with our son when we got married. 3 Months later I gave birth to our 2nd child. John Henry Huff Jr. He is a spitting image of his daddy and we all love him very much! 

Nana, Jaiden & Baby John
Grandma Barbi 
Daddy & his little boy!

We are a very,very busy family! When we aren't working, we are shuffling Jaiden back and forth between Soccer practice and games, to running to Tae Kwon Do up to 3 times a week, and that was all before Baby John was added into the mix so you can image the hustle and bustle now with a new baby!

Looks like I've completed my first official blog post..We shall see how this goes! 
Happy Saturday!