Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Who I Am & Why I'm Here

So if you read my post about my new years 'Improvements' you would have read that a goal of mine for 2015 is to improve my blogging and my writing. So I signed up for a Blogging 101 course on another blog site. And to say that I'm really excited would be a bit of an understatement. The course is for the next 4 weeks. It is my goal to keep up with as many as I possibly can, because lets be real here...A post a day? Ha! I'm going to try. That is what I'm going to do. TRY.

So for the first assignment I'm supposed to introduce myself and tell everyone who I am and why I'm here.(Hence the title of this post.)

Who am I? I could tell you my name. But that would be too easy. I am a working mother. I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, and I am someone's boss. In my life I have many roles. I'm sure you can probably guess which roles play the biggest part? Duh! I am the mommy of 2 very sweet boys! My oldest is 7 years old and my youngest is 7 months old. I can tell you that being a mom is the most rewarding feeling in the entire world. My name is Sarah and my family is everything to me.

I'm a 5 foot fireball, who is fluent in sarcasm and has low tolerance for bullshit. I originally started my blog as a way for my family to see how my boys grow up, even when they live far away. But since then it has transformed into something else. Why post all about my life and the things we do for the world to see? Well first, the initial purpose of this blog still stands. It let's my family who live far away keep up with the boys. But it has also become something much more than that. It's an output for my thoughts. My concerns, ideas, the occasional rant and weird little niches that only me and maybe one other person in the world will understand. And maybe, just maybe that one other person will stumble across this blog, and think 'well shit. at least I'm not the only one.'

So to get this whole about me thing going, I've decided to share some random facts about myself.

1. I'm convinced I was born in the wrong decade. My favorite genre's of music are 80's hair metal, and early 90's grunge and alt. rock. I'm also in the middle of my 90's pop phase. I think it has to do with the fact that this current generation is making me feel old. Like real old.
2. I can consume my body weight in cake and Mexican food. Fajitas are my shit. And cake completes me.
3. My favorite words are 'fuck' and 'shit' although I try super hard to not use them in the same sentence. I'm a total potty mouth. I also use the word 'cun*' more than I'm willing to admit.
4. I am totally addicted to TV that is geared towards the generations after me. I love the Vampire Diaries, and Pretty Little Liars. I don't feel too bad about loving these shows when I remember that all the actors playing high school kids are in fact 5 years older than me. I then feel better.
5. I am also stupid obsessed with reality TV. The Bachelor, Real World, Dance Moms, Party Down South, and can I just say I cried when Jersey Shore was over! Pure heartbreak.
6. Coffee is the newest must have on my list everyday.

 7. I love being a mom. I love being a mom of boys. Boys are so much fun!
8. My biggest pet peeve is when the trash bag is falling down in the can, and people just keep piling shit on top of it. Talk about annoying.
9. Baking puts me in the zone. I feel complete relaxation when I bake. When I cook too, but baking keeps me grounded.
10. I keep a box full of my favorite recipes. I'm old fashioned. I still write my favorites down on recipes cards, and then file them alphabetically by category.
11. My newest most favorite things to do..besides sleep..(which I can tell you I hardly do anymore) is making all of John Henry's baby food! There is nothing more satisfying than saving money on baby food, but also knowing exactly what my baby is eating. It's a great feeling!
12. My favorite movies of all time are Point Break, The Notebook, and all of the Die Hard movies. Believe me that I have plenty more but those are the ones that are standing out in my brain right now.

Now that you are a little more familiar with the some things about me, I hope that ya'll will continue to follow, and please please please, leave me messages. I love hearing that people enjoy my writing. It gives my blogging some personal satisfaction.

Byeeeee.. For now.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Byeeee 2014

Goodbyeeee 2014!

With 2015 already in full swing, I want to take a look back at some things that really made this year special for me and for my family!

Our Wedding Day!

Welcoming John Henry Jr!

Jaiden testing for his Black belt. 

These have been the best days of 2014, and although I'm kinda sad to see this year go, I am very excited to see what 2015 has in store for us!

We were eating dinner on January 1st and John says we should make New Years Resolutions. My comment was "those are ideally something you think about before the start of the new year, but sure why not?" And to be honest, we I couldn't think of any. My New Years Resolution  for the last 5 years has been to quit smoking and every year it lasted for about a day. But last year at News Years I was pregnant and had already quit, so WIN. And I will say that I am pretty proud of myself for not picking the habit back up, especially since this time of year is the most stressful for me, but I've taken a left turn and don't want this post to be about smoking.

 Now where was I? Ah, New Years resolutions. I don't believe in them. Maybe I'm not strong willed. Or maybe I'm not one to verbalize things and make promises to myself only to wind up disappointed in my failure? But I'm not going to look at it that way simply because I do not think of it that way.

 A new years resolution that I could potentially entertain for a hot minute would be to exercise more and eat healthier. Because why? Because my diet of Venti iced coffees and cookies and cake isn't healthy? I call BULLSHIT. Now let's not get the facts twisted, I don't always eat cookies and cakes. Really only on holidays, birthdays and whenever I find a good recipe and I want to wow myself with my baking abilities.  But one also needs to understand that besides birthday cake still taking the #1 spot on my favorite foods list, know that I thoroughly believe that creamed sugar and butter is one of the best combinations known to man, and with one of my new favorite past times being cookie making, I see that combination more frequently than not.
Truth is, I love coffee, I love sweets, and I hate exercising. Unless it's in dance form, and in that case I find it tolerable and the pain somewhat enjoyable. But that's about it. But I could not imagine not having those things in my life. And I am okay with that.

Now for things that I would like to improve on in 2015 because making improvements in certain things, but not promising to get results is more acceptable in my book.
- Be more consistent in going to Zumba( only tolerable form of exercise for me)
- Work on enhancing my blog which will also allow me to embrace my love of writing.
-Work more on getting my photography off the ground( And not to be cliché cause I know now that almost everyone is a photographer.  I went to college for a multitude of different things but Photography was a strong concentration.
-And the last few are pipe dreams to say the least, but at least I have goals. These would include moving to Georgia and buying a house, and having another baby. I know John who is probably laughing and scoffing as he reads, is shaking his head like 'yeah right!'

Anyhow, these are some of my future aspirations and things that I hope to accomplish over the next year but will not be so incredibly disappointed if they don't happen just yet!

Jaiden & Disney 2014

So this year for Christmas, Jaiden's grandma took him to Orlando to go and visit Disney! I'm super excited that Jaiden had the opportunity to have such a great experience! He had such a great time. Mirtha picked Jaiden up Christmas morning and they were off! It was Jaiden's 1st time on an airplane and he loved it! His only complaint was his ears popping.

They spent the next 3 days exploring Disney and staying in this grand hotel! It had 3 pools!!!! Why can't I be swimming in 80+ degree weather a few days after Christmas? Can you say jealous?   

They got to see Cinderella's Castle lit up with all of the "icicles that Elsa from Frozen put all over," this according to Jaiden. This was on Christmas, where they also got to see "awesome fireworks mom!" I can only imagine how awesome they truly were! When I visited Disney in middle school, I said that I wanted to get married in Cinderella's castle. Well we all know that I didn't get married in a castle. However if and when John and I ever renew our wedding vows, I'd like for it to be done in front of Cinderella's castle and around Christmas. As a grown woman I'm sitting here in awe of how absolutely stunning this looks, and would love to be able to see it first hand!

They spent a day at Hollywood Studies where they saw a whole bunch of shows! Jaiden was most excited about seeing the Indiana Jones show, and was stunned about how the "big, huge rock rolled right over him, and he stood back up!" Jaiden was also really excited about the Mickey Mouse and Frozen shows that they were able to see.

Completely random side note: But I cannot believe how grown up Jaiden looks in this picture above. He is growing so fast and I cannot keep up, nor believe that this big boy in the picture, was once a tiny(well big) but tinier baby! Ahh....He is going to be 8 in like 4 months and my mind just doesn't have the ability to process this.

One day I will for sure be taking the boys to Disney. Whether it be the parks or on the Disney cruise, which is what I want to do the most, but for now I'm glad that Jaiden doesn't get to miss out on such fun things, and I'm super happy he was able to have this experience!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

24 Days of Elf on the Shelf

Last year we were surprised by a little guy who was visiting from the North Pole, well this year he is back and brought a whole new bag of shenanigans!

December 1st: A mysterious package arrives. Welcome Jake! 

December 2nd: Jake decided to have himself a little syrup cocktail

December 3rd: Jake made his self some rather festive Christmas pancakes

December 4th: Jake boosted Jaidens confidence with his Black Belt essay and wrote an essay of his own! 

December 5th: Jake must've really liked our Christmas tree.. And M&M's! 

December 6th: Popcorn & a movie? Or just maybe popcorn! 

December 7th: Jake and the toys in the house wanted to take a family photo! 

December 8th: Jake likes to play Toc Tac Toe also! 

December 9th: CUPCAKES!

December 10th: Hot Chocolate? Why yes I think so! 

December 11th: Sure Jake, why not decorate the kitchen in bows!

December12th: Jake brought me a pick-me-up! Trying to score some brownie points!

December 13th: Jake brought Jaiden an early Christmas present.....


December 14th: Jake had a hankering for some s'mores! 

December 15th: Apparently Jake did not get the message that moonshine is not for Elves!

December 16th: Now it appears that EVERYONE( except Mom) has gotten sick this year! 

December 17th: Jake helped himself to some of the Christmas crunch I made!

December 18th: Jake managed to sneak his way into my baking bag. Looks like he wanted to help us make Christmas cookies also! 

December 19th: We found Jake sitting outside in our tree this morning! 

December 20th: Jaiden stayed the night as his grandmas and Jake just proved that he is EVERYWHERE! 

December 21st: And another day at Jaidens grandmas! 

December 22nd: Jake was a stowaway in my purse when I came to work! He wanted to see the retail madness! 

December 23rd: Jake brought us some new Christmas classics to watch!

December 24th: Jake left for the North Pole, but he made sure to leave Jaiden some reindeer food to help the reindeer find our house! 

Another month of Elf on the Shelf has come and gone.. Can't wait to see what Jake has in store for us next year!